Emotional Mastery: Clear Your Path, Claim Your Freedom

Unlock Emotional Freedom and Achieve Your True Desires

Welcome to Emotional Mastery, the ultimate program designed to help you understand, navigate, and master your emotions for a truly liberated life.

Led by Christina Deering, renowned Shaman Healer and Business Intuitive, this program will guide you in healing everything that stands in the way of what you want, clearing the path to your ultimate desires.

Why Choose Emotional Mastery?

Christina Deering is celebrated for her extraordinary ability to help individuals achieve profound emotional healing and freedom.

With Emotional Mastery, you will embark on a transformative journey to understand your emotions, master powerful techniques, and create a life of true fulfillment and success.

What to Expect:

In Emotional Mastery, you will receive instant access to a powerful program with comprehensive lessons designed to transform your emotional landscape and life.

Each chapter is meticulously crafted to guide you through understanding and mastering your emotions.

You will:

  • Explore In-Depth Lessons: Gain instant access to a structured curriculum that covers everything from mindset techniques to somatic healing practices.

  • Engage with Interactive Content: Benefit from video lessons, PDFs, and journaling exercises that make learning engaging and effective.

  • Heal Deep Emotional Wounds: Learn to release anger, heal your inner child, and rewrite stories that no longer serve you.

  • Master Emotional Techniques: Apply powerful tools like somatic breathwork, emotional freedom techniques, and cognitive behavioral therapy to navigate your emotions effectively.

Christina Deering:

Your Guide to Emotional Freedom

Christina Deering seamlessly blends ancient shamanic traditions with contemporary wealth-building techniques, creating a truly unparalleled healing experience.

As the host of the top 10% podcast worldwide, "You Unlimited," she shares her insights and techniques, empowering listeners to achieve their highest success.

Featured in Forbes and Goss Manifest Magazine, Christina is also an international speaker inspiring audiences to create impact and legacy aligned with their soul’s purpose.

What's Included:

Lifetime Access: Enjoy lifetime access to all materials and resources in the Gifted program.

Comprehensive Lessons:
Explore a wide range of lessons including:

Chapter 1: Understanding Your Emotions

  • Introduction to Emotional Mastery

Chapter 2: Tools for Emotional Mastery: Mindset

  • Clearing and Protecting Your Energy

  • Rewrite Stories that Aren’t Serving You (Video & Journaling Exercise)

  • Inner Child Healing

Chapter 3: Tools for Emotional Mastery: Body

  • Anger Release Technique

  • Somatic Breathwork

  • Tapping and Emotional Freedom Technique

  • Rewrite Stories that Aren’t Serving You with the Body

Discover Your Emotional Power

Are you ready to master your emotions and create a life of true freedom and fulfillment? Unlock Emotional Mastery today and start your journey to emotional liberation and transformative success.

Client Success Stories

Caley Rose

Billboard Charting Singer and Songwriter

“I came to Christina specifically to work on my money mindset… 1 month after I started working with her I had my highest grossing month in my new business that was only 9 months old… a $10,000 month.. Now I’m crying happy tears because I’m going to be making over $40,000 in one month!”

Brenda Lee

Host of Yes, You Can Have it All Podcast

“Christina has been the best investment of my life. Like the best by far.. She’s the prayer I was asking for and didn’t know what form it would come in.. She’s the person that was guiding me to my next level and my highest timeline.. There’s no way I’m leaving Christina, she’s too good.. Do this for yourself, because she’s going to completely change your world, upside down, in the most amazing way.”

Vanessa Farrior

Licensed Therapist and Breathwork Facilitator

“My life has changed so much throughout this process.. I have gone all in on my private practice. I just love working with Christina because she empowers me to see my worth, my truth and trust my intuition. I just love her so much. I would recommend her to anyone who’s in transition and looking to make a positive change in their life.”

Transform Your Emotional Landscape

Ready to take control of your emotions and achieve unparalleled freedom and fulfillment? Unlock Emotional Mastery now and embark on a journey to deep emotional healing and empowerment.